Martin Kasenbacher


Family Law, Real Estate & Tenancy Law, Mediation

Certified Expert for Family Law
Mediator (DAA)


Ayse Ormanci


Martin Kasenbacher’s practice area is family law and real estate & tenancy law. As a mediator he provides support for out-of-court dispute resolution procedures.

In family law, Martin's practice covers all aspects of family law, focusing on separation and divorce and including all ancillary matters such as alimony, marital property law and equalisation of pension rights. Martin prepares prenuptial/postnuptial and cohabitation agreements as well as divorce settlements. He provides advice and representation on the division of jointly owned assets and in child support cases such as access and parental custody.

In real estate & tenancy law, Martin acts for private and commercial clients, property management companies and housing associations. Alongside ongoing legal advice, Martin reviews purchase, rental and homeowners’ association agreements prior to investment decisions, prepares division deeds, common house rules, purchase, rental and usage agreements and asserts claims under rental agreements and other contracts.


German, English


2020 Founding partner at Witzel Erb Backu & Partner

2016 Mediator (DAA)

2015 Certified expert for family law

2009 Joined SSW law firm, partner 2013

2007 Admitted to the bar, initially worked in the tax department at KPMG

Practice at a Spanish-German law firm in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Law degree and traineeship in Munich


German Bar Association

Munich Bar Association


Publications in specialist journals (NZ-Fam and NJW-Spezial)