Dr. Ludwig Bergschneider's practice focuses on family law, in particular in the area surrounding divorces, marital property law, spousal and child support claims, and equalisation of pension rights. He also provides comprehensive advice on the drafting and review of prenuptial agreements, adult adoption proceedings, the enforcement of maintenance claims of non-marital mothers and parental maintenance.
In addition to his profession as a lawyer, Dr. Ludwig Bergschneider is an expert witness in the Legal Committee of the German Bundestag and a lecturer (University of Regensburg).
In particular, he works intensively as an editor and (co-)author on new editions of family law literature, comments on decisions and reviews. Dr. Ludwig Bergschneider has made a name for himself in the literature and jurisdiction, especially in questions concerning prenuptial agreements.
2022 Of Counsel at Witzel Erb Backu & Partner
1997 Certified Expert for Family Law
1964 Foundation of the law firm Bergschneider
Studies of law and economics as well as PhD thesis in Munich
Commission for Pension Equalization of the German Family Court Conference
Scientific Association for Family Law e.V.
Consortium Familien- und Erbrecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein
Consortium on Matrimonial Property Law of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law
Munich Bar Association
List of Germany's top lawyers in FOCUS (until 2021)
Expert in the Legal Committee of the German Bundestag
Co-editor of the journal FamRZ
Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Regensburg
Lectures at the Munich State Chamber of Notaries, the Bavarian Association of Notaries, the Munich Bar Association, the Munich Chamber of Tax Consultants and the German Lawyers' Institute
Author or co-author in legal publications, among others: Richterliche Inhaltskontrolle von Eheverträgen und Scheidungsvereinbarungen, Verlag C.H. Beck; Verträge in Familiensachen, Verlag Gieseking; Gerhard/Heintschel/Heinegg/Klein, Handbuch des Fachanwalts Familienrecht, Luchterhand; Münch, Familienrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, Verlag C.H. Beck; Bergschneider (Hg.), Familienvermögensrecht, Verlag Gieseking
Regular contributions, among others, for the magazines FamRZ, DNotZ, MittBayNot, NZFam