Claudia Campbell


Family Law, Gambling Law

Anna Buergel


Claudia Campbell advises and supports clients in all matters connected to matrimony, (prenuptial / postnuptial) agreement drafting, separation and divorce.

A focal area of her practice is international family law due to the increase in binational partnerships and families. Claudia also provides support in issues related to the law of descent arising for example as a result of advances in reproductive medicine or from same-sex cohabitations.

A second specialist area is gambling law with a focus on German and EU law issues regarding cross-border activities of gambling operators.


German, English (ILEC), Spanish (basic knowledge), French (basic knowledge)


2020 Witzel Erb Backu & Partner

2010 Joined SSW law firm

International experience (Madrid, Brussels)

Law degree at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


German Bar Association

Munich Bar Association


Lecturer in Family Law at the Hagen Law School – certified expert training (iuria GmbH)

Publications in specialist journals