German, English
Michael Oberbörsch works as a criminal defense attorney in all areas of criminal law and primarily advises on criminal business and tax law. He represents his clients nationwide in preliminary investigations proceedings and in court. In addition, he accompanies tax audits, provides preventive advice to avoid personal liability and conducts tax disputes with the tax authorities on behalf of his clients.
During his studies at the University of Passau, Michael Oberbörsch focused on tax law and criminal law. During his legal clerkship, he gained insights into complex issues in the legal department of an international corporation and prepared to start his legal career at two renowned law firms specializing in criminal tax law.
2022 Certified experts’ course on tax law successfully completed
2020 Lawyer with Witzel Erb Backu & Partner
2020 Admitted to the bar
Legal clerkship in Munich
Legal studies at the University of Passau
German Bar Association
Munich Bar Association
Criminal Law Chapter of the German Bar Association
Young Tax & Legal Excellence
Defense against a (cash) money transfer bill, PStR 04, 2023